Apr 6, 2007

Simba's Ordeal

Hey there. I had quite a rude awakening this morning. We went out this morning to view the landscaping and cleaning up that had been done on the front yard of the house. It looks pretty awesome by the way.

Well, anyway. We hear this unholy meowing, coming from the air conditioner which is sitting in the yard awaiting it's summer use. I go up and remove a panel and hear the meows again. But I see nothing. Carol says "Is that Simba?" I look and see nothing, then she points to a place that a cat could not possibly be.

Simba was smashed into a space that was like 3 inches. I have no idea how he managed to get himself in there. He just meowed and meowed and I tried to comfort him. Carol went and found some tools and we got half of the bracket that held the wheel into place off. We were able to take some pressure off of him, for which he was grateful and tried to escape..but still couldn't move much. After a bit of frenzied prying and pulling we finally managed to get him out. he was covered with oil and water and was very cold. We took him in and put him under some warm water to warm him up and to wash some of the stuff off him. He's a bit loopy and isn't walking very well.

I hope that his condition is due to exhaustion and that he'll be back to his old crazy self soon. I laid in bed with him for a while to try to warm him up, cuz he was still shivering. I finally had to get up and built a little sauna for him out of my blanket where he is currently resting comfortably and warmly.


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