Mar 24, 2007


Schiltzie, the "Pinhead"
Cast of "Freaks"
Just got finished watching Freaks. A movie from 1932 about people who today would be referred to as "special". People who were born different. They marketed it as a horror movie, but the people who put it together seemed to have been very much in favor of equal treatment of the so-called freaks. It's actually kind of a sweet little story. The main guy in the movie is a little person named Hans. He looks like a 5 year old, but is an adult. The ones who really intrigued me were the "pinheads": Three women who were born with microcephaly, a congenital disease which affects the growth of the head, leaving the person with a tiny cranium. Kinda strange, and it certainly affects inteligence. It seems like I would have seen it before now, I'm sure the disease still exists Anyway, found it on google video. Watch it HERE.

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Mar 21, 2007

New York: What I saw on broadway

I had written a detailed account of my trip and what happened, what drama existed, how and why I was happy or miserable and all that good stuff, but I’ll save all that stuff for my book. Here’s the highlights of my trip:

Went to TWO Broadway shows: Avenue Q and Spamalot: the Musical.

They were wonderful, especially Avenue Q. It is like Sesame Street on crack. There were people and puppets working together on stage, and the people who operated the puppets were just there, emoting and talking in the same way they were making the puppets emote and talk. It was funny as hell. This song is called "Everyone's A Little Bit Racist" Check out a CLIP. (The cast is different than the cast I saw, I think the cast I saw was a bit better.)

If you liked Monty Python and the Holy Grail, you’re gonna like Spamalot: The Muscial. They do all the great bits from the movie and flesh it out a lot more. I didn't see the version with Tim Curry, but the guy who did it was very good and kind of looked like Tim Curry. Here's a CLIP, it's not from the show, but it's some people who sing "The Song That Goes Like This" very well

I’ll hit ya’ll with other cool stuff later…